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Real Estate Rundown April 2021

April 13, 2021

The housing market is ever-evolving as the U.S. slowly unshutters its doors with the rollout of the vaccine. Some trends have stayed the same since we reported last month, but some have changed. Dive in to see the latest trends and updates from real estate experts.

Real Estate Rundown March 2021

March 10, 2021

As we encroach upon the first year anniversary of the World Health Organization declaring Coronavirus a pandemic, we reflect on how COVID-19 has impacted the real estate and housing markets and how it will affect these markets in the future.  

Real Estate Rundown February 2021

February 10, 2021

Check out our latest real estate rundown for trends and an outlook for the 2021 mortgage industry, how Biden's new policies could give a boost for homebuyers and builders, and the stats on how many offers were made sight unseen in 2020.

Real Estate Rundown January 2021

January 04, 2021

As we ring in the new year, consumers are more hopeful and positive than in months past due to the Coronavirus vaccine. What does this mean for the real estate market?

Real Estate Rundown December 2020

December 03, 2020

With the uncertain political landscape we are currently experiencing and living through in the United States, it’s no surprise that the housing market is also somewhat uncertain. There are still ups and downs with the economy and consumer buyer behavior due to COVID-19, but the overall outlook amongst...

Real Estate Rundown November 2020

November 10, 2020

Check out our November Real Estate Rundown where experts give their two cents on the state of the housing market and what to expect moving forward. Topics include how mortgage rates may slow through the end of 2020, how trends from Madison Avenue will affect other business hubs, how now may be the bes...

How Brand Loyalty Can Drive Sales During the Pandemic

November 09, 2020

Earning a customer’s trust (let alone their loyalty) has never been easy, but in 2020 many businesses are learning just how difficult this can be. From what we’ve been able to observe so far, the pandemic has changed customer expectations—people are more mindful of their spending and more critical of ...

Understanding Pre-Movers and Choosing the Right Lead List

September 08, 2020

If your business caters to homeowners, a critical time to start targeting your marketing campaigns is while a homeowner is selling a home and planning a move — this life stage triggers many purchases. If you’re looking for new leads to bring into your funnel, it’s important to understand the different...

Real Estate Rundown September 2020

September 03, 2020

Although the real estate market has seen it’s ups and downs and plenty of uncertainty during this pandemic, headlines still remain relatively positive as we finish up the 3rd quarter of the year. Here are some articles from real estate experts about the current state of the real estate market and thei...

Real Estate Rundown August 2020

August 29, 2020

Even with the ebbs and flows of COVID-19, the real estate market has remained resilient and homes are selling at the fastest rate ever recorded. Learn more about the real estate market with our roundup of articles.

Real Estate Rundown June 2020

June 01, 2020

In May, the real estate market showed signs of recovery from the COVID-19 pandemic. Here are some hopeful headlines to be optimistic about.

Investments impact on US housing supply & demand in 2016

April 20, 2016

Seems like it's a good time to invest in property again...or is it? For anyone in the housing industry accurate data on housing supply and demand (and where it is heading) is critical. Here are some of the latest trends and insights we've gathered on market matters.

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